Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Exactly one week after my friend sent her text to me in church with a sweet message, the Lord was working on behalf of this humble servant. I received an email from another friend titled, "God gave me a word for you". I can't tell you how excited I was to read it. It is not every day that you get emails like this!
Atleast I don't! This is what it said: "As I prayed for you yesterday(Sunday), God gave me a word for is what I felt He was saying:
I know you are tired and perhaps weak. That's a great place cause when you are weak I am strong. Rest.
Focus only on today and on me.
The future is a phantom to spook you.
Rest, focus on me and watch what I will do for you."

The future is a phantom to spook you. I had to read that one several times and as I prayed the Lord gave me such peace over the word. I received every bit of it....every syllable. Thank you Lord. ONE day. THIS day. Let me take each day and rest in it, rest in YOU.
My Aunt used to sing this song, One Day At A Time, when I was a child. I relished and memorized every word. When I close my eyes, I can almost hear her voice as I imagine her perfectly golden hair and glistening lips as she sang the words. Throughout my childhood and teen years up to now, I have loved leaning back on the truths of that song. Yes, It is SO not easy. SO not the norm. Throughout this adoption process, it has been ALL about planning for the future. What she will look like, when we will travel, what we will need when we travel, how to prepare the nursery, when will we get the call, how to prepare for future holidays, what will our family picture look like, etc. Our minds have been consumed about the tomorrows of our adoption..not the today. Lord, today, I rest in you. I take today, my life, my family, my job, my tasks for the moment, and I make them matter for today. May I not press in to worry about tomorrow. May I not try to imagine..just rest. Lord, what you have for me, for us is far greater than I could imagine anyway. I shall (try) not waste my time...your time in pondering on such things that are too lofty for me to attain. thank you my sweet Lord.

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