"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
There has been no word from the agency. Just silence. We have been taking our time to grieve as needed and not try to push past this quickly. God is good. No word from Him but I know He is watching over us, over me. His ways are higher than my ways. His plans are greater than my imagination could ever fathom. So, we wait. Each year, we place a new family ornament on the tree. We like to choose one that represents our year past. Some of ours in the past have been a little house (when we bought our home), or a red beautiful glass heart (when the Lord touched my hubby's heart and saved his life), or a little cow (when we lived on a farm when we first got married). Each Christmas season after the kids have adorned the tree with their ornaments, Chris and I take our time putting up our family ornaments. We chat about each one and the memories that accompany them. I am still stuck for an idea for this years ornament. I am debating a little timer or hourglass. It seems our theme has been 'waiting' this year. Not sure if that is a good summation but I am trying to stay positive.