Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Partial Update

What a perfect day to catch up on blogging. It is rainy and cold outside. The kids are snuggled in their beds for a nap, and I am snuggled in mine too. I have lost my voice over the past two days. COMPLETELY lost it. It is no where to be found. Sweet little Liam thinks I am playing a game when I whisper to him, so he whispers back. If I am lucky enough to get a hoarse sound out, he copies that too. It is quite funny. Unfortunately the strain on my sweet vocals to call out to my children when I need them or attempt to intervene a sibling altercation has NOT been fun. I am praying for a speedy recovery :).
It has been a couple of months since last blogging and truly not much has changed. So much has happened, but not much has changed. We had some awesome family pictures taken by my brother during the beautiful fall weather. We captured only a glimpse of its beauty in the pics. But hey..we have to have our mug shots in there somewhere, right? I was thrilled with the ones that turned out. Liam was not having a great day, so we were bribing him with candy corn :).
In other news, we have been busy building up the Children's department at our church. It has been a great experience seeing all the new faces coming through the doors and such a sweet experience seeing all the familiar faces. What a great manifold of giftings the Lord has placed in this church. There can be some fabulous and awesome things to come about. I am praying we dont miss a step or skip a beat. We are humbled at the opportunity to be used in this area to advance His Kingdom. Just this past week, I was just overjoyed at the new little faces coming in the doors. My prayer is that they are fed, that they are blessed, that they feel at home. My prayer is that they walk away with the biblical principles that will build them up and equip them.
That is where my heart lies. In the midst of the tools and the building blocks and the roads and paths that lead us in taking this next generation into their destiny. May I be used if only for a season to take part in the investment opportunity of a lifetime!! This is one investment that won't bring disappointment in the changing stock markets or faltering economy. I would love for every servant of the Lord to have a heart for this generation at some point or another. I believe that there is huge spiritual growth in serving the children. Christ encouraged us to learn from them...from their faith. See?!! I cant help it. Hope you are encouraged to participate, to invest, and to take a leap of faith. It is totally worth it.

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