Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Saturday, February 13, 2010

less than 10 families ahead of us!!

Okay, since my last post, I have been keeping close tabs on the referrals going out weekly to families. To date, there have been 15 referrals sent out since the last post. That means that we are down to 10 families or less ahead of us!!! It has been interesting to see the progress...slow as it is, but it is a sure indication that the Lord is making sure we get the right little girl for us. Two weeks ago, there were 10 referrals given out which had knocked us down to 10, but last week, there were 0 referrals. What a huge disappointment. So, back to waiting patiently, which as I tell my little one, "that is waiting with a smile on your face!". I am trying super hard to not concentrate on the "is today the day?, could it be?, I can't imagine!!, what am I going to be doing when we get the call?, what if I am in the car and not near my computer?!!". All of those questions may seem silly but they are totally comforting and yet super time consumers when you are THIS close.
My heart is thrilled though to still be hearing of more and more families adopting in our area. My prayer is that more and more families will capture the vision that these precious children, whether here, there, or anywhere, need loving families to take them in and love on them. We are not here on this earth to simply live life to the fullest and get all we can get out of it. We are not here to partake of every life opportunity so that we can say "We did it!". Nope...we are here to bless, to serve, to love, to grow, to help, to disciple, and to care. It is so easy to think about ourselves, how we are being neglected, how we are being deprived of this and that. BUT spend 10 just 3 or 4 looking at the lives of children who are being held in orpanages all over the world who may not even get one meal a day, whose clothes (if any) are ripped and dirty, whose feet are not clothed with warm fuzzy socks or right sized shoe, whose arms need someone to wrap around, whose hearts are waiting for their opportunity to live in a forever family. Then, then...hearts might change, but only if they are willing to accept the responsibility that comes with an open, loving, giving, caring heart. Some of us might even feel a little empathy towards such a vast number precious children, but not the calling. Okay, then what? Just turn a blind eye? NO, my prayer is that those that are willing but maybe not called to adopt, will atleast search the possibility of helping in some small way other than lending a nice comment here and there. That may be simply sponsoring a child through an organization like World Vision or Compassion International. Or perhaps traveling across the globe to help build a well or shelter for orphans. Would it be possible to visit the local shelter downtown or soup kitchen and serve to families who have no home? I shall step down from my soap box. I know the Lord is doing amazing things in the hearts of His people. I heard just recently a quote from John Piper that I shall bless you with, "The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that by 2042 (32 years from now) minorities will make up more than 50% of the population. We do not look with alarm or threat on this. This is the way heaven will be. “You were slain [Lord Jesus], and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9). "

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