Monday, August 20, 2012
Monday Melodies
Monday morning we were awakened by the soft buzzing of Chris' phone alarm. To be honest, I had already been up an hour tossing and turning with the sun peeping through the curtains. So, when his alarm went off, I was thrilled!!! TIME TO GET UP AND SEE OUR BABY!!
We enjoyed a homemade sweet roll breakfast accompanied by yummy ET coffee and got our things together. The sweet thing about this trip, is that we are sharing this same experience with two other couples. Both couples are parents for the first time with their sweet boys. All of our kiddies are in the same orphanage, Tikeret. They have been together for the past month or so. So, we will experience bringing our babes into our care and bringing them home. Emotions were high this morning as we piled into the bus that carried us to the orphanage. We prepared ourselves for a pretty long ride, only to find ourselves pulling into the entrance not even 7 minutes later. SO CLOSE!! Sweet Syra Tadu has been this close!!
We got out and gathered into a welcome room that housed just us. There was a sitting area and then a large carpet area for playtime. Chris paced the room. I sat with the other couples. We tried to make small talk..but seriously...what in the world is there to talk about it. My mind was racing with how my life was getting ready to change withing MINUTES!!
...and with that said, within about 4 minutes, they called for "Tadelech family". HEART pounds. Chris and I walked out the doorway into another room that was lined wall to wall with little toddler beds. THere were no children on any of the beds except one. A sweet, precious little girl was sitting so perfectly with her eyes glued to us. When my eyes met hers, my heart melted. That's our girl!!! That's our baby!! I am not sure what I was expecting but it was totally awesome the way they set this up. She was our girl. The only one in the room, waiting for her momma and daddy. She knew we were there for her. She smiled. I gave her a moment to connect with me. We smiled together. Then, I picked her up. What beautiful weight on my arms. Her precious curly hair. She noticed my necklace. Yes, Lord! I had bought this cute chew necklace at a baby store made specifically for baby's to chew on. And that is exactly what she did. Go ahead baby girl. It is just for you.
After a few moments of bonding, we were ushered back into the welcome room to visit while the other two families had their sweet moments to meet their babes.
We all found ourselves back in the waiting room loving, holding, kissing, laughing, exploring, comforting, playing, smiling, and adoring our babes. What an awesome thing to experience. I am so so so glad we were able to join other families in this once in a lifetime experience. so very thankful.
We fed our babes a snack of milky cereal and then hopped back on the bus to take them back to the guest house.
We have spent the rest of the day getting to know Syra Tadu more. She took a sweet nap on my chest before lunch. I enjoyed every little breathe and sweaty moment of it. We had lunch, Syra took a bottle and enjoyed some bread bites and mushed carrots. More play time with her pals from the orphanage and her pal from the Ajuuja orphanage, Mihiret. It was sweet to see them reunited. There seemed to be a comfortableness there. So cute together. Syra explored the grass outside and then we took another nap..all of us this time. She went down in her crib. We woke up an hour and half later for some more bottle time and play time before returning to the orphanage. SO VERY HARD TO TAKE HER BACK. But this is her last night in an orphanage. She will never have to do that again.never.
Lord, I am humbled that You have chosen this path for our family. That you have chosen sweet Syra Tadelech to bless our home. I look forward to our new life and the positive changes that are coming. I am grateful Lord.
Can't wait til tomorrow. A big celebration day!!
hip hip hooray!!
Reflection on Sunday's arrival in Addis
We arrived around 7:45 am on Sunday in Addis. It was a beautiful day. We got through the transit Visa office and immigration fairly easily. While I got some funds converted to birr, Chris gathered our luggage. ALL of our bags made it. Yippee!! A far cry from our first trip where none of our bags made it. Just having our bags with us lifted off a huge weight.
We headed toward the doors of the airport to find a multitude waiting for loved ones and friends. Within minutes, we found our driver holding a sheet of paper with our names on it. YAY again. What a relief. The first trip, they had given up on us and had left the airport and it left us stretched to find a way to communicate with the guest house to come pick us up. Anywhoo...will not say anymore about that. Sunday, we found peace. Everything worked as it stated in our travel packet. yay.
On our way leaving the airport, I found myself more enthralled with the conversation in the van that the scenery we were passing. ..a complete turn around from the first trip. I remember being in such awe and culture shock on the first trip that I really wanted the driver to go super slow so I could capture more on film. This time, I didnt even reach for camera until we were almost at the guest house. I noticed this change to myself and reflected. What has made me so accustomed to this? I am not sure I figured out a real answer. I am pretty sure it is a combo of things. that my focus was on going to the orphanage. I was pretty sure we were going to go that day because we had arrived so early. Another reason, is that once you have seen such vast poverty in such drastic ways, you get it. Atleast for me, instead of shock which is what I was feeling most of the first trip, it turns into more of a 'what can I do about this? how can help? I am gonna start with prayer'. As we drove past the familiar images of metal sided and roofed huts, and lonely passersby with famished faces, my heart grew to love this place even more.
We got to the guest house, got settled into our room and discovered that we were not going to be able to visit the orphanage. BIG disappointment. Apparently, it was an orthodox holiday and not a good day to visit. Oh Well..I resolved to myself...more time to rest...and that is what we did.
Chris and I managed to squeeze in a little nap after lunch and then promptly went to bed at 7pm. It was a stretch to even stay up until then. Unfortunately, we were up at 3am wide eyed and hungry. What to do? oh...let's go down and make some hot tea and have a snack..okay!!
We drifted back off to sleep but me not so easily. Time was drawing nearer to see my baby and my nerves were giving me fits. sleep shannon..sleep. Lord, please let me sleep!!!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Holdover in Dubai
We are still in Dubai...It is Sunday, Aug 19 1:48am India time. We left Friday from Nash to Atl around lunch. Had a 7 hour layover in Atl. Left Atl in the evening on Friday and flew to Dubai on a 14hour flight. whew!!! And now...we have been waiting our 8 hour layover for our final flight into ET. You may ask, "Who arranged these tickets?!! Who in their right mind would schedule such wacko layovers?!!" We did. It wasnt much of a choice for us. In order for us to take advantage of Delta's employee benefit, we had to take this route. crazy.
Just a few moments ago, we found out that the flight we have been waiting on cancelled. uh...."NO REASON TO PANIC!! " I tell myself. However, my heart was pounding. As I headed toward the bathroom to freshen up since the ticket counter wasn't open for another 20 minutes (the agent had to eat his snack..yup), I noticed a sign for a Prayer Room. Immediately, I imagined a little prayer room like what one might find in a hospital in America. ..a little nook that is quiet and peaceful and offers a little respite from the hustle and bustle of the environment...and then I noticed the dome shape symbol of a Buddhist temple above the sign. Okay..well maybe I can still go in there. Maybe it is a prayer room for any religion. As I passed a gazillion folks going to and from their gates, I was desperate for a little peace and quiet. I peeped around the corner and found signage that listed rules before I could enter. First of all, I needed to be male. Okay...that eliminates me right there. Then, there were a few more signs that just continued to lift red flags. My heart began to rejoice. LORD, I don't need a prayer room to cry out to you. I don't need to wear certain clothes, be a certain gender, stand or kneel a certain way. I can talk with you any time. ..even amidst the hustle and bustle. YOU can still hear me. I may enjoy quiet places...but you don't care. You are always available. Oh, Lord, I rejoice and I pray for the lost.
By the way, we have been listed for a flight to ET that leaves 5 minutes later :). yippeee. On to more waiting. We have 2 1/2 hours til we get on that plane for a four hour flight to ET. okay..we are ALMOST there baby. hang in there, momma's coming!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
We are coming Syra!!
We are packing and leaving in less than 2 full days. The countdown begins!! We got the call last Thursday and it has been a whirlwind of activity.
First of all, I guess I was thinking it might not ever happen. Even though everything has been looking good, historically, I have been so very disappointed throughout this entire process, that I have been preparing myself deep inside to just prepare for the worst. Probably not very optimistic of me. BUT I have been optimistic since November of 2007. I mean SUPER optimistic. I never expected in my wildest dreams that we would have opposition or ugly words from family members, or have our social worker pass away, or experience the devastating loss of not one, but two referrals, or my hubs have a heart attack, or have over 15 social workers on our case,. I mean, seriously...this is NOT what we expected at all. AT ALL!!
I am still cautious. I am still protective of my heart. BUT don't get me wrong, I am SO very excited. I can't wait to hold her. I can't wait to tell her that I am her momma. I can't wait to hold her close and soothe her tears. We are days away.
Let me just say though that we are not out of the reaches of the enemy's attacks. Last night, we got confirmation that Delta is helping pay for a portion of our travel due to employee benefits, however, they are only able to get us there. They are not able to confirm seats back home. SERIOUSLY?!!! SO, please be praying for favor on our standby tickets. We need to get home. I do not want to get stuck in Dubai. Chris called me this morning and informed me that he was hit by a deer at 2am while headed to work. ..crushed the front end of his car. REALLY?!!! PTL that he is okay..but really?!!!! No problem. I know the Lord has got this..but REALLY???
My emotions are high. I have cried every day. :) Today, my sweet neighbor blessed me with goodies just the perfect size for Syra. The other day, a sweet friend blessed me with her full days earnings. My sister just spent the entire day today running around with me tying up loose ends and shopping...fixing up nursery, groceries, etc..all the while calming my spirits and listening to my little worries and concerns that pop up. She could have been having fun :). I can not express the thanks enough..the love that I feel from my heavenly Father. I cry.
Time is drawing near and my focus..other than packing and getting prepared, is loving on my kids and making sure that they are feeling super loved. Lord, protect them while we are gone and fill them up with all things good and let the time pass by quickly for them. I am so thankful for my mom and sis who will be taking care of the farm while we are away. ..the chicks, and dogs and kitten and kids..along with school and meals, etc. whew. Bless them Lord.
Prayers appreciated for this final journey to bring her home. We will be posting updates on FB as that is the most reliable. Hopefully will get to post some on here too.
off to pack some more!!!
Monday, July 2, 2012
She has been moved!!
Just heard this morning that sweet Syra Tadelech has been moved to Addis to Shalom orphanage! So grateful she has made it. I am assuming all went well with the move. I would love to know how she did on the half day trek. Wonder what she was thinking. Wonder who was holding her. car seats! Wonder if she cried. Wonder if she got an upset stomach like her momma. Wonder how her nannies did. My heart saddens to think that they will not get to see her again. I can only imagine. What beautiful ladies. My prayer is that the Lord would bless these ladies that dedicate their days and nights taking care of these precious little ones; these moms in interim that get up in the wee hours to feed them and that sleep on a mat on the hard floor in their nursery so that they are right there. Syra has been well taken care of. Glad she is safe and sound. Trusting in my Lord that His angels are all around, entertaining, loving, comforting her.
Here are some pics we received finally today of our visit in the orphanage. I noticed they only sent us four of the dozen or more pix. oh well. I am grateful for the reminder of that precious day.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
We are home!
We are home. Today is day 2 being home. We are still adjusting back to US time. It feels good..but bitter sweet. Our precious little angel is far..too far away. We got an email last night saying that today she should be transferred from her only home she has ever known for the past 8 months to a new orphanage in Addis. She will have to make the 4.5-5 hour trip in the car to her transition home. We were all emotional last night as we pondered over this move. First of all, we got to meet her precious nanny. This sweet woman has been her mom in the interim. She has raised her, loved her, kissed her, comforted her, held her, fed her in the midnight hours. The love she has for Syra Tadelech is unreal. I have seen it. When we were leaving the orphanage the other day, my heart sank as I knew I would never see this woman again. I had our social worker translate for me and I expressed my deepest love and gratitude for taking care of Syra. I hugged her dearly and wept. She was humbled and speechless. She has simply been doing what she is gifted to do, but for us..she has had a pivotal part in our daughters life. I cannot imagine what emotions she will feel as they bring Syra Tadelech to the new orphanage. Lord, comfort her and bless her.
Since our visit to the orphanage in the Hawassa town, we have wanted to get her out of there just simply because of the conditions. While they are doing their absolute BEST to raise and care for these precious babes, they are limited in resources. At one point during our visit there, I had to use the restroom. I asked and they nodded. The nanny walked out into the courtyard where two ladies were washing baby clothes. They took the dirty wash water, poured into a bucket and ran inside. I was trying to assess what was going on. At this point, there was lots of chatting in Amharic and gestures but no one showing me where it was. Finally, when the gal returned with the empty bucket, she showed me the bathroom in a building adjacent to the baby area. It was not good. Our social worker who is also Ethiopian was with me. She cautiously peered around the corner and with an unsure face asked me if it was okay. There was no door, no real floor. I quickly surmised that the dirty wash water had just been graciously poured into the top tank so that the toilet could be flushed. I felt a little obligated out of courtesy to use it ..but then not. SO, I did not. The social worker agreed with my decision. I had appreciated the great effort and love that when into their swift hosting. ..but I just could not do it. I will hold it!
I went back to babe in daddy's arms. SO sweet!! She loves Chris so much already. Can't wait to post a pic. We are supposed to get pics from our visit today via email.
During our sweet 2 hour visit, we were assessing everything with Syra. We were looking her over as much as we could without appearing like freaks. She was wearing a long sleaved outfit, so it was difficult to check her out completely.Everything appeared to be great with Syra until I saw the back of her neck. She had a sore on her neck about the size of pinto that was open, oozing, and infected. Next to it, were scars of the same size. There was a little row of scars that led to this wound. What in the world? She also had a rash on her neck and little red dots all over her face and arms and a few on her feet and legs. Wow, Lord, heal her. What is this? The nanny told us that the dots were fly bites...but many of the dots were under her clothes.
On a good note, she was doing things that the local doctor had said she could not do. I helped her sit up. I noticed she was passing toys from one hand to another and she also began to babble a little: all things that she reportedly was not able to to do. Joy..pure joy. It is amazing what we were witnessing. We were prepared to see our sweet girl less developed but she was so much more developed than what they had reported. BUT...the sores were worrisome. They nanny told us via the social worker's translation that it was an allergy..but we knew better.
As soon as we got back to our hotel, we sent out prayer requests to our team at home and began to google. nothing. could not find one thing that fit the description.o
When we arrived safely back at the guest house in Addis the next day, we were still determined that a diagnosis would happen. I emailed our agency in the US and requested the doctor to check it out again and see if antibiotics were being given. This particular sore was becoming necrotic at the base of her neck. not good.
Long story short...a new couple came to the guest house with their baby girl. Incidently, this was the same couple we had seen in Hawassa the day before at the orphanage. We never got to officially meet them but assumed they were with a different agency doing the same thing we were. They were visiting with their babe and enjoying every moment like we were. Little did we know we would be spending the week with them and getting to know their family. In the guest house, as we told of our experiences and concerns for Syra, they showed us a sore on their baby's leg. THE SAME THAT WAS ON SYRA...a necrotic sore, black in fact. Their babe was sick and fluish. They have decided that the husband is going to stay the next several months in country with their babe while the mom goes home to US during all the embassy prep work. A great situation if anyone is able to do it. They are able to take their babe straight into their care for the next few months until homeward bound.
After hearing about her sores, I googled and prayed and found a diagnosis that fit the description perfectly: Rickettsial Pox. Basically, this is a condition that occurs from mite bites. These are bites from the bug of mice that once bitten create a necrotic wound that takes 2-3 weeks toheal. In the meantime, a false pox rash breaks out (the little red dots) and creates flu like symptoms. The wound heals and leaves little scars. It is healable and treatable but can get bad. It is not contagious. Our prayer is that Syra will heal soon and get no more bites...and hopefully when she is moved, she will be in cleaner conditions.
While we were at the guest house this week, we were able to see the huge improvement with Syra's orphange roommate. Her sore healed...her flu symptoms went away..and she had the best demeanor. It was encouraging. SO encouraging. I think the Lord knew we needed to see that.
Well..I ramble now. my fatigue is setting in. It is 9am here..but 5pm there. Will post pics when they come.
Lord, take care of my baby today. I miss her soooooo.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Seeing our princess
Wednesday, we got up early and headed to Hawassa. After the 4.5 hour trip there, we were exhausted, mentally and physically. The scenery was beyond amazing which I described some in the post before. Chris and I are still captivated by the region and feel sure that we would probably still be country folk even if we were in ET...despite the fact that we have no idea how to plow with simple handmade tools and cattle strapped with yolks. Beautiful. ..and the donkeys. Can't wait to post pics.We arrived at the Lewi Hotel and had a quick lunch. We cleaned up and headed to the orphanage. Okay..I have to tell you that by this time my stomach was COMPLETELY messed up. I have always been a girl that gets a little queasy in the back of the car..but this drive had made me VERY ill...almost lost my cookies a few times. I think combined with the fact that I was getting ready to see my daughter and hold her for the first time was too much for me to handle. I kept trying to picture me in the orphanage but my mind was picturing me throwing up all over the place! perfect. So..I kept praying that I would not throw up. ..the whole time I was there.We arrived, and there stood the beautiful green iron gates. Prepared to stay only 60-90 minutes, Chris and I geared up. We followed our social worker inside and they showed us our greeting room and encouraged us to sit. Chris and I sat as they left. I looked around. A big handwritten WELCOME sign hung above Chris' head. I lost it. Ugly tears spewed from my eyes. I felt like they were spraying across the room. Chris grabbed my hand and then he lost it. Both of us did not want to look like wackos but we were having a very hard time holding back. The nannies and social worker would come in and out bringing little parts of our baby girls life: a walker, a floor mat, some toys. I was dying!! My eyes were fixed to the window that faced the walkway that led to her room. Our social worker walked by and in her arms, our princess. My eyes darted to the entrance of our room just as they rounded the corner. There she was!! Oh..I can't tell you. I am pretty sure that I stopped breathing. I watched in slow motion as she layed her down on the mat. I wanted to grab her up immediately but I respected the fact that they wanted us to take this introduction slowly. Pardon me for wanting to completely want to eat her up. So, slow we were.She looked at us intently..then back at her nanny and the social worker, then back at us. I am pretty sure we are the first white people she has seen. I am sure we looked different to her. She did not smile. She just took it all in. We let her.For a moment, I forgot how to talk to a baby. I have had three already but what in the world?!! I think they could see my nervousness. Still, I am praying I am not going to lose my cookies all over my baby girl and completely insult everyone. The nanny began to coo and speak to her and there she smiled. SO beautiful to see. The love that her nanny has for her. THe love our sweet girl had for her nanny. beautiful.Through the waves of nervousness, I started to breathe. I began to talk and giggle with her and tickle. Chris and I began to relax. I could feel the eyes of the nanny and social worker totally scoping us out to see if we were going to be good parents to her. My nerves picked back up. Please dont let me throw up, Lord. Just then, the nanny blessed us with some coffee and roasted grains. stomach. I didnt want to be rude. Chris graciously accepted the little cup of dark goodness. I took mine. I was able to take one sip and swallow with some more prayer..and was able to nibble on one tiny grain. That's all I could handle. I could think of nothing more than holding her. No more waiting. I picked her up. OH.MY.GOODNESS. unreal. Lord, is this real? Am I really in AFRICA holding my baby girl?!!! She seemed heavier than I expected but a good heavy. I loved every minute of it. Our baby girls name is Tadelech. It means "You are blessed". They call her Tadu...pronounced TAH doo. As they called her name, she smiled...and smiled. Her little bottom teeth glowed with each grin.Lord, please let me be as much a blessing as these sweet nannies. Lord, let us make her smile like they do. Okay..I admit, I was a little jealous..but understandably so. There is so much pressure that goes into this one meeting. So much.No wonder my stomach was in knots...and then I kept thinking, Oh Lord..the time is ticking.Tadelech began to warm up and soon smiles abounded. She would totally perk up when Chris talked to her. What a blessing. Our social worker let us stay for 2 hours!! I cannot believe it. I was able to feed a bottle to her. We were able to walk with her in the courtyard.I forgot to mention that the social worker forgot her camera. This whole meeting has to be documented by photo to prove to the judge that we have seen her atleast 24 hours before court. A mini miracle is that the day we left for ET, Chris and I grabbed our son's camera that just so happened to use the same memory card that the sw used. We were going to use our phones only on the trip but grabbed his camera as an extra. Thank you Lord for again providing.SO...the sw usually only takes a couple of pictures as documentation but she let us take our own pics. Can't wait to post them. We probably took close to 2 dozen pics or more. Thank you Lord. When our sw worker gets back to her computer to look at them, she is probably gonna freak out. We would grab it snap pics even when they werent around. They let us have some sweet alone time with Tadelech. Every moment was precious to the very end. As they asked us to prepare to leave, the tears poured again. I didnt want to go. I didnt want to hand her over. Chris and I gave her kisses and snuggles and slowly gave her to her nanny.It will be close to 3-5 months or even more before we see her again. Her nanny grasped her close and gave her kisses. And as we left, her nanny held her close and they both bowed a little as they said good bye and Selam (peace). Ciao sweetness. See you soon.
Luggage arrived!
Our luggage just arrived and we are elated! As we tugged them up the stairs and opened them up, we were both struck with the fact that we packed WAY too much. We are too luxurious in America...and just.don' I am grateful the Lord is blessing us with so much to see and experience here. This morning, we headed to the National Museum and on the way, we tried to capture as many mental photographs as we could. The one that stuck out the most: my eyes and sneaky camera were trying to capture the images of the street boys who live their lives by shining shoes. This is their way of camera could not capture the image that popped up so quickly as our car swerved to miss another. There was a homeless woman leaning up against a streetpost with her belongings scattered around her. She was nursing her babe in her arms while trying to gather some things around her. My heart hurt. In an instant we were too far away for me to even tap Chris to look. Ethiopians LOVE their babies. They LOVE their children. They LOVE their culture. They want the BEST for their babies. We are blessed that the Lord has called us to bring up a sweet beauty in our home. We are blessed, humbled, honored.
I have not had a chance to describe our visit to the orphanage. that is long as they let me use their computer :).
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Court Date Changed..
okay...I won't lie...I am disappointed. ..and tired...and needing some clean clothes. We just got back from the agency offices where we found out that the Judge has postponed our court date until Monday afternoon. Want to know why?
Because she is taking an exam for her Masters program and she needs extra time to study. Okay. Okay Lord. The Judge needs time to study. Okay. The Judge actually wanted to reschedule for Wednesday but our offices pleaded for Monday. Thankfully she obliged. SO, we are here two more days. That doesnt bother us. Our kids are in great care and all will be okay. ..but I am disappointed. ..and I have cried my many tears into a bathtowel so as not to disturb the rest of the guests here while my hubby lovingly has sat next to me and comforted me. I am not sure I am done crying yet...but I am going to be okay. i know that.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Arrived, survived...thrived
We are here!!! We arrived around midnight last night. By the time we got to the Guest Home last night, we had been traveling for about 26 hours...with about 3 hours of eye rest only. Our luggage did not make it with us. We are hoping to have it by tomorrow. I could go on and on about the craziness of our travel and the shear miracles that occurred to get us here, but I would rather focus on our experience since we have arrived.
We are blessed by the generosity of everyone here. The sweet guest home attendant blessed us with a big welcome even though it was super late. After we got all settled in our room upstairs, I came back down to ask her a question and she popped out from under the stairs. Her little dwelling place and bed were in a tiny closet under the stairs. She was not bothered by her small quarters. She is young, probably and older teen, and she is grateful for the job.
After about four hours rest, we were up again this morning to have breakfast downstairs; scrambled eggs, fresh bread, and coffee. We then got in the car with the social worker and a driver and headed to our trip South of Addis to Hawassa. It is about a 4.5 hour drive. Much horn honking, brake slamming, swerving, dodging, and speeding. Enough to make even the heartiest stomach a little queasy. I don't have a hearty stomach, so needless to say, I am still suffering from motion sickness. We saw soooo much on the drive. So much that it is impossible to really express and even pictures dont do it justice. National Geographic is very close to what we witnessed today.
On one of our previously lost referrals, the comment was that the babe had been found while a woman walked to work. It is one thing to read about it, another to witness exactly what that means. I am not talking about a casual stroll down the sidewalk to work. "Walking to work" means walking miles on the side of this dangerous road or through pastures and over freshly plowed and rough fields to their place of work. Most work on farms. Some travel long distances to bring water back on the backs of donkeys to bring back to their straw huts or to the animals that they tend. We dodged folks all day on the road, nearly hitting them. I cannot describe it. They often walked in the middle of the road or drove their donkeys in the middle of the road..and typically they move if you honk loud enough and often enough. We were fortunate not to hit any living thing.
I think what spoke to Chris and I most was the fact that there was not an age excluded from working. It was typical on this drive to see 3 and 4 year olds herding cattle or goats along the road with no one else with them. "Careful, babes, this is a dangerous road! Big trucks are having to dodge you!" They even carried whips and knew how to use them. We saw a pair of about 5 year boys walking together carrying an oxen yolk on their backs. They were working together following behind a clan who were moving their farming tools to a different plowing area.
We saw an equivalent number of women carrying bundles of hay, baskets, water, or farming tools and their little girls with them. Every 10 miles or so, was a tiny village consisting of a dozen or more clusters of huts....that's it. huts and farms and kids and farmers.
The images are forever engraved in our minds with a serene backdrop of mountains, fields, or deserts trickled with shapely bonsai looking trees and cone shaped huts amidst the farms.
Oh forgot to mention that we stopped for a humble bathroom and coffee break halfway there. Chris and I both got a coffee, our sw got a macchiato, and our driver got a hearty injera breakfast. After getting the bill, we began to divide out our portions and then Chris ended up taking care of the whole bill. Not even $2 total for it all. They were moved but I am not sure they understand how moved we are about all of this. So very humbling.
We finally got to the hotel..and then orphanage. details to follow.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Leaving Nash
Getting ready to leave. Our flight is delayed already. Oh well, I think that is just prep for Ethiopian time. You get there when you get there. No rush. No spiraling around a clock. We all need some of that in our lives.Met a couple of Ethiopian friends of Chris at the airport. They are so excited we are going to their home country. If you dont know much about the people of Ethiopia, they are SO loving,SO kind, SO giving, SO,grateful. Before we even made it to the gate, they were setting up arrangements with family in ET to greet us at the,airport and take us to a coffee ceremony and bless us with traditional meal if we would like. We have almost half dozen phone numbers and names to contact if we have any needs. Such a blessing. They are so excited for us. We are excited too. The Lord has seen fit to mend our hearts with this country, this culture, this people for a lifetime. Our family will forever be part Ethiopian. What an honor.Still at the airport.....and we wait. ..
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Court Date!!!!!!!!!
We received our court date!!! We got the news as we were sailing across the big blue ocean on our cruise!! These pics are about an hour after we heard the news. Perfect! We found out moments before we renewed our vows. Perfect!! We got home in time to have about 7 days to get ready. Now, we leave in less than 3 days. So very grateful for the support from friends and family. Thankful for my sis who is holding down the fort while we are gone.
We received more pics yesterday of our princess. She has gotten her two bottom teeth since our last update. awwww..she is precious and is actually smiling for the camera. Can not wait until we can post pics of her. Please be praying for us: safe travels, staying healthy, financial support to cover all the travel costs of both trips, great visit to the orphanage, and favor with the judge. We are also believing for our paper work to be expedited Divinely so we can bring her home soon. The Embassy process that follows a successful court date is not known to be quick. We are praying for favor, favor, favor.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
A chosen day
In the wee hours of May 4th 31 years ago, my earthly father passed away in a tragic accident. I was 9 years old. Each, year, that day does not go by without memories of that moment, memories of him, memories of days gone by, the whys, why me, what ifs, and then praises for today, praises for the Lords protection, praises for His Sovereignty despite the whys.
On May 4th, 2012 in the wee hours of the morning, we got the email that we had a referral!! We had gotten word the night before that they were sending it to us, but for some reason, the email would not come through. It was a sluggish internet weirdness. I kept checking my phone for the email...nothing. We went to bed..nothing..I kept checking until well after midnight...nothing. When hubs got up at 2am to go to work. I checked again. SOMETHING!! It came. I sat up..we looked together. There she was!!! Beauty. Blessed. Her name means she is blessed.
No more sleep for me that night. I was up the rest of the day. I began to search her birthplace, pour over her history, and stare googly eyed at her photo. Why Lord did you choose to have us receive this precious gift on this day? I can only believe that it is because days matter. Our heavenly Father chooses every day, every moment. He is Sovereign. Nothing on this planet happens without His foreknowledge and intervention. He is ever so present in our lives, ever so knowledgeable of our comings and goings, ever so purposeful, ever so loving. I have embraced this gift of receiving her referral as a purposeful message that this day matters. Perhaps my earthly father who now resides in the Heavenlies has been assigned to watch over our baby girl, perhaps he has spoken or pleaded on our behalf, perhaps this day was simply to send a message of hope that this little girl is it. After two failed referrals, I receive that. I am cautious. I am cautiously excited and hopeful.
Now the wait...the wait for the court date. We have never gotten this far before. We have gotten referrals in the past only to follow with tragic phone calls months later. "We are sorry" phone calls. We are sorry but we are taking your referral and giving her to another family because of your husbands heart attack. We are sorry but there has been a mistake and your referral has been given to another family. We are sorry.
I have been nervous, anxious, and yet deep down trying to wholly and completely trust the Lord. Please dear Lord. This must be it.
"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13,14
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Nothing to blog home about

Just wanted to blog that there is nothing to blog about. nothing. atleast as far as our adoption process is going. Life is going great. we are all doing well. We are plunging forward with still full expectations that the call to adopt will one day bring fruit...hence the photo above. I am that one with the balloon wrapped around my waist.
At this time, the country has come to a near complete halt with adoptions. The MOWA who has to write approval letters for each orphan has pretty much stopped writing letters. At one time, it was reported that they were writing nearly 50 letters per day. It went down to 5 last fall and it has pretty much stopped at this point except for special cases.
The rumor is that MOWA is restaffing and reorganizing. When they get up and running again, the hope is that adoptions will begin to move with a more speedy pace.
In the meantime, we wait.some more. ..but we wait with hope.
We are actually in the process of getting our fingerprints done again as they expire this summer. Hard to believe we are doing this AGAIN. As a matter of fact, Chris and I were so hopeful last year that it would be our LAST fingerprint appointment. Aaaahh but more plans the Lord has for us. oh well. What do we know? apparently not so much in our story. I know one day it will all make sense to us.
thankful to be alive today. Thankful that I am loved. Thankful that there is a future for me. plans for hope and prosperity. plans for good things. thankful for waking up today.
Let's get this day started!!!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Exactly one week after my friend sent her text to me in church with a sweet message, the Lord was working on behalf of this humble servant. I received an email from another friend titled, "God gave me a word for you". I can't tell you how excited I was to read it. It is not every day that you get emails like this!
Atleast I don't! This is what it said: "As I prayed for you yesterday(Sunday), God gave me a word for is what I felt He was saying:
I know you are tired and perhaps weak. That's a great place cause when you are weak I am strong. Rest.
Focus only on today and on me.
The future is a phantom to spook you.
Rest, focus on me and watch what I will do for you."
The future is a phantom to spook you. I had to read that one several times and as I prayed the Lord gave me such peace over the word. I received every bit of it....every syllable. Thank you Lord. ONE day. THIS day. Let me take each day and rest in it, rest in YOU.
My Aunt used to sing this song, One Day At A Time, when I was a child. I relished and memorized every word. When I close my eyes, I can almost hear her voice as I imagine her perfectly golden hair and glistening lips as she sang the words. Throughout my childhood and teen years up to now, I have loved leaning back on the truths of that song. Yes, It is SO not easy. SO not the norm. Throughout this adoption process, it has been ALL about planning for the future. What she will look like, when we will travel, what we will need when we travel, how to prepare the nursery, when will we get the call, how to prepare for future holidays, what will our family picture look like, etc. Our minds have been consumed about the tomorrows of our adoption..not the today. Lord, today, I rest in you. I take today, my life, my family, my job, my tasks for the moment, and I make them matter for today. May I not press in to worry about tomorrow. May I not try to imagine..just rest. Lord, what you have for me, for us is far greater than I could imagine anyway. I shall (try) not waste my time...your time in pondering on such things that are too lofty for me to attain. thank you my sweet Lord.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Reason to Sing
I have been praying for a word, a word from the Lord, a very specific word from Him. There has been silence. I have heard nothing. But I know my Lord has heard my plea. I have needed to hear from Him. I have longed for His word over this circumstance...but silence. It has been 2 months..and just silence. We have waited. I have waited. It has been difficult just pressing in, difficult just moving forward. Oh Lord, which way do you want us to go? Do you want us to hang in there? Do you want us to let this go? I need a word. I have pleaded my case before Him and I have been waiting. patiently. I have. I have been just waiting for His still small voice to speak to me.
Last Sunday I was sitting in church and having a difficult time entering into worship. I kept pressing through and felt the Lord whisper, "You will get a word today". Now..I thought He was just referring to the message from the pastor and that I would get an applicable life message that I could apply to me. I had no idea that the Lord was referring to THE word that I have been waiting for regarding our adoption. I began to relax and worship and felt my spirit melt in the goodness of His presence. Within a few minutes, my phone lit up in the darkness of the sanctuary. I quickly sat and reached for my phone. It was a text from a sweet friend of my mind. I read it immediately. She said, "Listening to a song that my husband worked on called "Reason to Sing" .." I need a reason to sing, I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands. I need a reason to sing." It's a worship song...I thought of u when I heard it and about the adoption issues...its one of those songs to hear when things feel like they're going wrong. I want to send it to you."
My heart smiled greater than my face could even try. I knew the Lord had sent a sweet message through my friend. It took a week for my great package to arrive. I couldn't open it fast enough. Below is a link to the youtube. The words are pivotal. They reached my heart. A prayer. A prayer put into song. My prayer. A prayer I havent really been able to voice. What beautiful words. Following the song is a reprise. I have posted the lyrics. Scroll down to the bottom of this blog and turn off the playlist before hitting play on this youtube.
When the pieces seem too shattered to gather off the floor, And all that seems to matter is I don't feel you anymore. I don't feel you anymore.
I need a reason to sing. I need a reason to sing.
I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands.
I need a reason to sing.
When I'm overcome by fear and I hate everything I know. If this waiting lasts forever, I'm afraid I might let go. I'm afraid I might let go.
I need a reason to sing. I need a reason to sing.
I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands.
And I need a reason to sing.
Will there be a victory, will you sing it over me, now? Your peace is the melody. Will you sing it over me, now?
I need a reason to sing. I need a reason to sing. (repeat)
I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands.
That is a reason to sing.
I will sing. I will sing. I will sing.
You are good Oh Lord. You are always the reason. You are good and Holy, Lord.
I will sing, sing, sing to my God, my King. I will sing, sing, sing to my God, my King.
And I will love, love, love with this heart you made for me.
Last Sunday I was sitting in church and having a difficult time entering into worship. I kept pressing through and felt the Lord whisper, "You will get a word today". Now..I thought He was just referring to the message from the pastor and that I would get an applicable life message that I could apply to me. I had no idea that the Lord was referring to THE word that I have been waiting for regarding our adoption. I began to relax and worship and felt my spirit melt in the goodness of His presence. Within a few minutes, my phone lit up in the darkness of the sanctuary. I quickly sat and reached for my phone. It was a text from a sweet friend of my mind. I read it immediately. She said, "Listening to a song that my husband worked on called "Reason to Sing" .." I need a reason to sing, I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands. I need a reason to sing." It's a worship song...I thought of u when I heard it and about the adoption issues...its one of those songs to hear when things feel like they're going wrong. I want to send it to you."
My heart smiled greater than my face could even try. I knew the Lord had sent a sweet message through my friend. It took a week for my great package to arrive. I couldn't open it fast enough. Below is a link to the youtube. The words are pivotal. They reached my heart. A prayer. A prayer put into song. My prayer. A prayer I havent really been able to voice. What beautiful words. Following the song is a reprise. I have posted the lyrics. Scroll down to the bottom of this blog and turn off the playlist before hitting play on this youtube.
When the pieces seem too shattered to gather off the floor, And all that seems to matter is I don't feel you anymore. I don't feel you anymore.
I need a reason to sing. I need a reason to sing.
I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands.
I need a reason to sing.
When I'm overcome by fear and I hate everything I know. If this waiting lasts forever, I'm afraid I might let go. I'm afraid I might let go.
I need a reason to sing. I need a reason to sing.
I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands.
And I need a reason to sing.
Will there be a victory, will you sing it over me, now? Your peace is the melody. Will you sing it over me, now?
I need a reason to sing. I need a reason to sing. (repeat)
I need to know that you're still holding the whole world in your hands.
That is a reason to sing.
I will sing. I will sing. I will sing.
You are good Oh Lord. You are always the reason. You are good and Holy, Lord.
I will sing, sing, sing to my God, my King. I will sing, sing, sing to my God, my King.
And I will love, love, love with this heart you made for me.
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